Like a lot of Apple software, Final Cut Pro is designed to maximise creativity and minimise fuss, and so it’s surprisingly easy to use.

But there’s nothing to lose in trying it out, as the standard version, with all the main features, is completely free. The only downside is that, as it’s such an in-depth program, it’s not suitable for novices. With Adobe’s model, the editor works in Premiere and, when they’re finished, sends the project to Audition and After Effects for others to do the audio and effects work, but with Resolve, the whole team can work simultaneously, in the same app. Switching between these workspaces is seamless, and Resolve allows real-time multi-user collaboration. Overall, this is one of the Best Adobe Premiere Pro Alternatives. The color tools remain the best on the market, and all the other sets of tools are seriously impressive too.

It has separate workspaces for editing, color, audio, and visual effects, and each of these workspaces is packed with features, effects, and precise controls, allowing you to perfect every element of your edit.

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